To promote advancing social justice, and decent work, we recognise the responsibility and well-being for all people working within the business and across the supply chain. Kopila commit to sourcing and producing product from ethically approved suppliers in accordance with human rights regulations set by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and The Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
Kopila’s ethical Code of Conduct shall maintain legitimacy and due diligence by requesting all supplier to submit 3rd party audit reports. Kopila commit to continual operating the highest ethical standards across the business and whole supply chain. Supporting workers’ rights and safeguarding their health and safety. This includes the four pillars of decent work as per the ILO: full and productive employment; rights at work; social protection; and promotion of social dialogue.
All employees must be shown and guided through Code of Conduct, this also includes:
The Code of Conduct good practice should be monitored and audited through 3rd party auditors.
Use of subcontractors without Kopila’s knowledge are not permitted.
Any results of non-compliance will require a corrective action plan within a given timeframe to correct. Inability to close non-compliances or to show consistent failure in ethical requirements will result into investigation. If corrective measures are not implemented and non-compliances are not improved or corrected, termination of contract can be expected.
© 2025 Kopila Cashmere·site by skayl·editorial photography by jonathan birch·copywriting by liz mackintosh·product photography by malgosia lonsdale
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